▶  Personal information
名前 |
小倉 正平 |
誕生日 |
1978年6月20日 |
出身地 |
岡山県岡山市 |
勤務先 |
東京大学生産技術研究所 福谷研究室 |
〒153-8505 東京都目黒区駒場4-6-1 |
メールアドレス |
ogura<at>iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
趣味 |
スポーツとスポーツ観戦 (バスケット、サッカー、野球など) |
▶  Education
1991 |
岡山市立福浜小学校卒業 |
1994 |
岡山市立福浜中学校卒業 |
1997 |
岡山県立岡山芳泉高校卒業 |
1997 |
東京大学理科一類入学 |
2001 |
東京大学工学部システム量子工学科卒業 |
2009 |
博士(工学),東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻 |
"Diffusion and growth of Au on metallic surfaces" (金属表面における金の拡散と成長) |
主査 福谷克之教授 |
▶  Profession
2001 - 2013 |
東京大学生産技術研究所 福谷研究室 技術職員 |
2013 - present |
東京大学生産技術研究所 福谷研究室 助教 |
▶  Research topics
▶  Skills
水素の深さ分析 (NRA)
シミュレーション (KMC)
▶  Award
2010    日本物理学会若手奨励賞(領域9)
▶  Research funds
2019 - 2020    公益信託ENEOS水素基金   "水素原子のスピン制御による水素化反応の促進"  (研究代表者)
2016 - 2018    科研費基盤研究(C)   No. 16K04957   "パラジウム金合金表面における水素吸放出サイトの解明"  (研究代表者)
2013 - 2015    科研費基盤研究(C)   No. 25390075   "スピン偏極水素原子ビームによる表面磁気秩序の解明"  (研究代表者)
2010 - 2011    科研費若手研究(B)   No. 22760024   "表面拡散における吸着子間相互作用の解明"  (研究代表者)
2006 - 2007    科研費若手研究(B)   No. 18760027   "Au2次元成長に見られるフラクタル性の起源の解明"   (研究代表者)
▶  Professional Affiliations
日本物理学会 領域9運営委員(2016年10月〜2017年9月)
日本表面真空学会 編集委員(2014年12月〜), 教育委員(2016年4月〜)
▶  List of publications
A. Peer-reviewed articles
"Effect of forming gas annealing on hydrogen content and surface morphology of titanium oxide coated crystalline silicon heterocontacts"
Y. Nakagawa, K. Gotoh, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, N. Usami
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38, 022415 (2020)
"Effect of hydrogen plasma treatment on the passivation performance of TiOx on crystalline silicon prepared by atomic layer deposition"
S. Miyagawa, K. Gotoh, S. Ogura, M. Wilde, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, N. Usami
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38, 022410 (2020)
小澤孝拓, 清水亮太, 小倉正平, 一杉太郎, 福谷克之
表面と真空 62, 492-497 (2019)
"Hydrogen concentration at a-Si:H/c-Si heterointerfaces - the impact of deposition temperature on passivation performance"
K. Gotoh, M. Wilde, S. Kato, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, K. Fukutani, N. Usami
AIP Advances 9, 075115 (2019)
"Ab initio calculations for the H-decorated neutral and charged oxygen vacancy in erbium oxide"
W. Mao, L. Zhang, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, T. Chikada, K. Fukutani, H. Matsuzaki, T. Terai
Fusion Engineering and Design 144, 188-192 (2019)
"Hydrogen distribution and electronic structure of TiO2(110) hydrogenated with low-energy hydrogen ion"
Y. Ohashi, N. Nagatsuka, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 10319-10324 (2019)
"H-D exchange mechanism of butene on a D-absorbed Pd-Au alloy surface"
S. Ogura, S. Ohno, K. Mukai, J. Yoshinobu, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 7854-7860 (2019)
"A hysteresis loop in electrical resistance of NbHx observed above the β-λ transition temperature"
Y. Sasahara, R. Shimizu, H. Oguchi, K. Nishio, S. Ogura, H. Morioka, S. Orimo, K. Fukutani, T. Hitosugi
AIP Advances 9, 015027 (2019)
"Hydrogen-accelerated phase transition and diffusion in TiO2 thin films"
W. Mao, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, J. Chen, K. Fukutani, H. Matsuzaki, T. Terai
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 23026-23033 (2018)
"Activation mechanism of TiOx passivating layer on crystalline Si"
T. Mochizuki, K. Gotoh, A. Ohta, S. Ogura, Y. Kurokawa, S. Miyazaki, K. Fukutani, N. Usami
Applied Physics Express 11, 102301 (2018)
"Acceleration of hydrogen absorption by palladium through surface alloying with gold"
K. Namba, S. Ogura, S. Ohno, W. Di, K. Kato, M. Wilde, I. Pletikosić, P. Pervan, M. Milun, K. Fukutani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 115, 7896-7900 (2018)
- Press release : University of Tokyo, EurekAlert!
- Newspapaer : 日本経済新聞(2018年7月10日付),日経産業新聞(2018年7月11日付),日刊鉄鋼新聞(2018年7月12日付),東京大学新聞(2018年7月17日付)
- News : 国立環境研究所,スマートジャパン(Yahoo!ニュース掲載),ナノテクジャパン,Chem Europe, Phys Org, Science Daily
"Rotational state modification and fast ortho-para conversion of H2 trapped within the highly anisotropic potential of Pd(210)"
S. Ohno, D. Ivanov, S. Ogura, M. Wilde, E. F. Arguelles, W. A. Diño, H. Kasai, K. Fukutani
Physical Review B 97, 085436 (2018)
"√2×√2R45° reconstruction and electron doping at the SrO-terminated SrTiO3(001) surface"
S. Ogawa, K. Kato, N. Nagatsuka, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Physical Review B 96, 085303 (2017)
"CO adsorption on (110)-(1×2) missing-row reconstructed surfaces of Pd, Au, and Pd3Au: Electronic structures and vibrational frequencies"
B. Chantaramolee, A. A. B. Padama, H. Nakanishi, H. Kasai, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 86, 044712 (2017)
"Mechanism of gate dielectric degradation by hydrogen migration from the cathode interface"
Y. Higashi, R. Takaishi, K. Kato, M. Suzuki, Y. Nakasaki, M. Tomita, Y. Mitani, M. Matsumoto, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani,K. Yamabe
Microelectronics Reliability 70, 12-21 (2017)
"Dynamic blocking by CO of hydrogen transport across Pd70Au30(110) surfaces"
S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 3373-3380 (2017)
"Role of anionic vacancies in lithium fluoride in the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide on the surface of the Au/LiF/Mo(110) system"
I. V. Silaev, S. A. Khubezhov, I. V. Tvauri, G. S. Grigorkina, A. G. Kaloeva, O. G. Ashkhotov, D. Sekiba, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, T. T. Magkoev
Kinetics and Catalysis 57, 797-802 (2016)
"Dynamics of the photoinduced desorption of nitric oxide molecules from the surface of pure and modified platinum"
S. A. Khubezhov, I. V. Silaev, Z. S. Demeev, A. V. Ramonova, A. G. Kaloeva, I. V. Tvauri, G. S. Grigorkina, D. D. Kibizov, O. G. Ashkhotov, S. Ogura, D. Sekiba, K. Fukutani, T. T. Magkoev
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 90, 1489-1492 (2016)
"Fabrication and hydrogen permeation properties of epitaxial Er2O3 films revealed by nuclear reaction analysis"
W. Mao, M. Wilde, T. Chikada, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, T. Terai, H. Matsuzaki
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 15147-15152 (2016)
"Reduction of nitric oxide with carbon monoxide on the Al-Mo(110) surface alloy"
G. S. Grigorkina, I. V. Tvauri, A. G. Kaloeva, O. G. Burdzieva, D. Sekiba, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, T. T. Magkoev
Solid State Communications 233, 11-14 (2016)
"Photoinduced conversion of carbon dioxide and water molecules to methanol on the surface of molybdenum oxide MoOx (x < 2)"
I. V. Silaev, S. A. Khubezhov, A. G. Ramonova, G. S. Grigorkina, A. G. Kaloeva, Z. S. Demeev, A. P. Bliev, D. Sekiba, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, T. T. Magkoev
Technical Physics Letters 42, 271-273 (2016)
"Quantification of hydrogen concentrations in surface and interface layers and bulk materials through depth profiling with nuclear reaction analysis"
M. Wilde, S. Ohno, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, H. Matsuzaki
Journal of Visualized Experiments 109, 53452 (2016)
"Complete H-D exchange of butene via D absorbed in a Pd-Au alloy"
S. Ogura, M. Okada, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 23973-23977 (2015)
"IR practical extinction coefficients of water in alkali lime silicate glasses determined by nuclear reaction analysis"
T. Suzuki, J. Konishi, K. Yamamoto, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98, 1794-1798 (2015)
"Effects of hydrogen on the localized electronic states and electronic conductivity of rutile TiO2(110)"
K. Fukada, M. Matsumoto, K. Takeyasu, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84, 064716 (2015)
分析化学 63, 831-836 (2014)
"Two charged states of hydrogen on SrTiO3(001) surface"
K. Takeyasu, K. Fukada, S. Ogura, M. Matsumoto, K. Fukutani
Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 084703 (2014)
"Practical IR extinction coefficients of water in soda lime aluminosilicate glasses determined by nuclear reaction analysis"
T. Suzuki, J. Konishi, K. Yamamoto, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 382, 66-69 (2013)
"Near-surface accumulation of hydrogen and CO blocking effects on a Pd-Au alloy"
S. Ogura, M. Okada, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 9366-9371 (2013)
"Kundsen layer formation in laser induced thermal desorption"
A. Ikdea, M. Matsumoto, S. Ogura, T. Okano, K. Fukutani
Journal of Chemical Physics 138, 124705 (2013)
"Nitrogen physisorption and site blocking on single-walled carbon nanotubes"
S. Lee, S. Iwata, S. Ogura, Y. Sato, K. Tohji, K. Fukutani
Surface Science 606, 293-296 (2012)
"Photostimulated desorption of Xe from Au(001) surfaces via transient Xe- formation"
A. Ikeda, M. Matsumoto, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, T. Okano
Physical Review B 84, 155412 (2011)
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 54, 192-195 (2011)
"Depth profiling of hydrogen under an atmospheric pressure"
H. Yonemura, Y. Kitaoka, D. Sekiba, H. Matsuzaki, S. Ogura, M. Matsumoto, Y. Iwamura, T. Ito, T. Narusawa, K. Fukutani
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B 269, 632-635 (2011)
"Development of micro-beam NRA for hydrogen mapping: observation of fatigue-fractured surface of glassy alloys"
D. Sekiba, H. Yonemura, S. Ogura, Y. Kitaoka, Y. Yokoyama, H. Matsuzaki, T. Narusawa, K. Fukutani
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B 269, 627-631 (2011)
"Electron-stimulated defect formation in single-walled carbon nanotubes studied by hydrogen thermal desorption spectroscopy"
S. Arima, S. Lee, Y. Mera, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, Y. Sato, K. Tohji, K. Maeda
Applied Surface Science 256, 1196-1199 (2009)
"Interlayer diffusion of Au atoms in a heteroepitaxial system"
S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 474210 (2009)
"Room temperature observation of nitric oxide on Ir(111) by scanning tunneling microscopy"
M. Matsumoto, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, T. Okano
Surface Science 603, 2928-2934 (2009)
"ガラスキャピラリーを用いたガス雰囲気下での1H (15N,αγ)12C核共鳴反応法の開発"
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 52, 145-147 (2009)
"Effects of coadsorbed O2 on hydrogen ortho-para conversion on Ag surfaces"
K. Niki, S. Ogura, M. Matsumoto, T. Okano, K. Fukutani
Physical Review B 79, 085408 (2009)
"Development of micro-beam NRA for 3D-mapping of hydrogen distribution in solids: Application of tapered glass capillary to 6 MeV 15N ion"
D. Sekiba, H. Yonemura, T. Nebiki, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, H. Yamashita, M. Matsumoto, J. Kasagi, Y. Iwamura, T. Itoh, H. Matsuzaki, T. Narusawa, K. Fukutani
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266, 4027-4036 (2008)
"Taper angle dependence of the focusing effect of high energy heavy ion beams by glass capillaries"
T. Nebiki, D. Sekiba, H. Yonemura, M. Wilde, S. Ogura, H. Yamashita, M. Matsumoto, K. Fukutani, T. Okano, J. Kasagi, Y. Iwamura, T. Itoh, S. Kuribayashi, H. Matsuzaki, T. Narusawa
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266, 1324-1327 (2008)
"Terrace diffusion of Au atoms on Ir(111)"
S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 100, 072003 (2008)
"Novel method to evaluate the carbon network of single-walled carbon nanotubes by hydrogen physisorption"
S. Iwata, Y. Sato, K. Nakai, S. Ogura, T. Okano, M. Namura, A. Kasuya, K. Tohji, K. Fukutani
Journal of Physical Chemistry C Letters 111, 14937-14941 (2007)
関場大一郎, 米村博樹, 根引拓也, 小倉正平, マーカス・ヴィルデ, 松本益明, 岡野達雄, 笠木治郎太, 成沢忠, 栗林志頭真, 岩村康弘, 伊藤岳彦, 松崎浩之, 福谷克之
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 50, 574-578 (2007)
"Doppler analysis of hydrogen motion on Pt(111)-Sn surface using 1H(15N,αγ)12C nuclear reaction"
K. Fukutani, S. Ogura, M. Wilde, M. Matsumoto
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 261, 494-497 (2007)
"Location of hydrogen adsorbed on Rh(111) studied by low-energy electron diffraction and nuclear reaction analysis"
M. Fukuoka, M. Okada, M. Matsumoto, S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, T. Kasai
Physical Review B 75, 235434 (2007)
"Structure of gold thin films grown on Ir(111)"
S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, M. Okada
Topics in Catalysis 44, 65-71 (2007)
松本益明, 小倉正平, 福谷克之, 岡野達雄, 岡田美智雄
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 49, 313-316 (2006)
"Dendritic and non-dendritic transitions in Au islands investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy and Monte Carlo simulations"
S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, M. Matsumoto, T. Okano, M. Okada, T. Kawamura
Physical Review B 73, 125442 (2006)
"Reactive gold thin films grown on iridium: Hydrogen dissociation"
M. Okada, S. Ogura, W. A. Diño, M. Wilde, K. Fukutani, T. Kasai
Applied Catalysis A 291, 55-61 (2005)
"Reactive gold thin films grown on iridium"
M. Okada, S. Ogura, W. A. Diño, M. Wilde, K. Fukutani, T. Kasai
Applied Surface Science 246, 68-71 (2005)
"Trapping hydrogen with a bimetallic interface"
M. Okada, K. Moritani, T. Kasai, W. A. Diño, H. Kasai, S. Ogura, M. Wilde, K. Fukutani
Physical Review B 71, 033408 (2005)
"Hydrogen adsorption on Ag and Au monolayers grown on Pt(111)"
S. Ogura, K. Fukutani, M. Wilde, M. Matsumoto, T. Okano, M. Okada, T. Kasai, W. A. Diño
Surface Science 566-568, 755-760 (2004)
福谷克之, 小倉正平
固体物理 53, 661-671 (2018)
小倉正平, 福谷克之
Vacuum and Surface Science 61, 27-32 (2018)
"Nuclear dynamics and electronic effects of hydrogen on solid surfaces"
K. Fukutani, M. Wilde, S. Ogura
Chemical Record 17, 233-249 (2017)
福谷克之, 小倉正平, 大野哲
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 59, 145-155 (2016)
"Electronic structure of the SrTiO3(001) surfaces: effects of the oxygen vacancy and hydrogen adsorption"
K. Takeyasu, K. Fukada, S. Ogura, M. Matsumoto, K. Fukutani
Applied Science and Convergence Technology 23, 201-210 (2014)
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan 57, 219-226 (2014)
小倉正平, 福谷克之
固体物理 41, 519-527 (2006)
S. Ogura, K. Fukutani
"Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy" in: The Surface Science Society of Japan (eds)
Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis, Springer, Singapore (2018)
"Controlling hydrogen transport across Pd-Au alloy surfaces by surface modifications"
S. Ogura, K. Namba, K. Kato, K. Fukutani
5th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Hydrogen in Materials, Ookayama, Japan, 7 November 2019
小倉正平,Markus Wilde,福谷克之
第12回水素量子アトミクス研究会,東北大学, 2014年10月24日
日本真空学会7月研究例会, 機械振興会館, 2013年7月3日
"Subsurface accumulation and diffusion into bulk of hydrogen in a Pd-Au alloy"
S. Ogura, M. Okada, K. Fukutani
9th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, Madrid, Spain, 26 June 2013
日本物理学会秋季大会, 岩手大学, 2008年9月22日